
Meals from the Heartland

*MealsoftheHeartland.We've got this down!People are drawn to live in Ankeny because of the outstanding schools. Ankeny schools enjoys such a positive reputation in part because it provides students valuable opportunities to help others and be assets to the greater community.

Last May, Prairie Trail Elementary students participated in Meals from the Heartland, raising more than $3,000 and creating 13,760 meals.

“I was reminded as I watched the parent and community volunteers show up in droves, and the students and teachers work collaboratively, how fortunate we are to be part of this Prairie Trail Community,” said Pam Dodge, Principal at Prairie Trail Elementary. “This was a great opportunity for our students to help children around the world who may be less fortunate.”

Sponsors were MJ Properties, Iowa Realty and Prairie Trail development.

Read more about Prairie Trail Elementary students packaging Meals from the Heartland here.